Monday, July 25, 2011

This past week we spent the whole time with friends and co-workers at a conference. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed the beautiful location.

The kids spent almost every afternoon in the pool with their friends! They had a enjoyed hanging out with friends they knew and made new friends too!

Square Dancing was not something I ever aspired to attempt but, well, the things you do when pressured by your peers! Ha ha! Any way, it turned out to be fun and a great way to get to know co-workers. They were all so patient with me as I constantly messed up. (I'm the one in the cowboy hat.)

Ben, on the other hand, was the most popular volunteer (not voluntary)at skit night! He does not like skits but he was a great sport when called upon. It was pretty funny!

The kids had fun and learned a lot in the kids program!

Cali learned a new skill which she showed off to everyone who would look at her!

Ayrik and Aiden learned some volley ball. They loved playing with the teens and adults who were very patient with them!

Evening meetings were interesting.

Oh so sleepy.

I love that smile!

Not all of us thought the meetings were interesting! Cali fell asleep every evening meeting.